
The Importance of Family Law Services in Your Case

In the realm of legal disputes, emotions can often be heightened when family matters are involved. It is in these instances that the engagement of family law services is deemed to be of utmost importance. Several compelling reasons exist as to why these professional services should be sought for your case. Expert Guidance Offered The legal landscape can be complex and daunting for those unfamiliar with its intricacies. With their extensive knowledge and understanding of the law, family lawyers can provide much-needed guidance.

The Importance of Family Law: Safeguarding the Family Unit

Family law plays a crucial role in addressing and resolving issues that arise within the family structure. It encompasses a wide range of legal matters, including divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, and adoption, among others. Family law is essential in protecting the rights and interests of all family members, promoting harmony, and ensuring the well-being of the family unit. This article aims to highlight the benefits of family law and its vital role in our society.

Three Common Ways a Will Dispute Can Arise

When a loved one passes away, the distribution of their assets and property can be a source of conflict among family members and beneficiaries, even when a will is available. Wills are legal documents that outline a person’s wishes for the distribution of their assets and property after their death. Thus, they must be very clear to avoid confusion and potential disputes. Unfortunately, when will disputes arise, they can be emotionally and financially stressful for families.

How Could Notional Estate Provisions Affect Your Will?

It’s a good idea for everyone to create a will so that following their demise, their estate can be distributed amongst their family, friends and other beneficiaries. Often, this act can be relatively straightforward and without any complexity, but sometimes, the will-maker may not want part of their estate to pass to a certain individual. Should they take steps to remove certain assets from the equation, so they are not available to this party, or could this lead to problems?

Four Ways A Lawyer Can Help You With Your Wills In Australia

Wills are one of the most important documents you can create. They ensure that your assets are distributed as you wish upon your death, and they allow you to appoint someone to make sure that your wishes are carried out. Here are four ways that a lawyer can help you with your wills in Australia. 1. A Lawyer Can Help You Plan for the Future By Drawing Up Wills A lawyer can help make sure that your will is up to date and relevant to your circumstances.

Top Reasons to Hire a Local Lawyer

Nobody ever thinks there will come a time they need a lawyer, but it can happen. Navigating the complex legal system is virtually impossible for most people, which is why hiring a lawyer is paramount. However, where do you get a lawyer if you have never engaged one before? One of the best pieces of advice you can get is always to hire locally. Of course, the prospect of hiring a renowned law firm based in a major city can be tempting.

What You May Need to Know About an Interim Family Violence Order

Emotions are often very high when two people decide to separate and go their own ways. The separation may have been due to ongoing disputes, and, as sometimes happens, tempers may have become elevated, which can make the situation become very challenging. In this case, tempers can sometimes get out of control, and this may lead to violence. If you’re afraid that you may be on the receiving end, what can you do?

4 Guidelines to Follow When Dealing With Deceased Estates

After your loved one dies, you need to have a sitting with their lawyer. Usually, the lawyer reads the last will and names the person to administer or execute of the deceased’s estate. It’s the responsibility of the administrator to manage the estate. That includes paying taxes and any debts the person had. After settling the taxes and debts, then they can share the remaining property out among the dependents. Here are four guidelines to help you manage deceased estates.

Divorce Law: How to Get Your Divorce Papers Served

Divorce is a challenging process for everyone. Besides the emotional heartbreaks you have to go through, there is often a lot of money to spend in the process. Once you decide to pull out of your marriage, it is essential to hire a professional in family law to help you get through the divorce. Typically, you will begin the divorce process by drafting a petition to serve your partner. This article looks at a few things you need to know about the process of handling divorce papers.

Why You Need A Conveyancer When Selling Property

Selling your home can be a nerve-wracking experience. It is especially so if you have not sold a property in the past or do not have any legal knowledge. A conveyancer will ensure that you have an easy time selling your home. Below is an excerpt explaining the benefits of hiring a conveyancer to help you sell your property.  Organising Property Documents Today, most buyers are concerned that they may suffer legal liabilities or losses as they purchase a property.

What Co-Parents Should Know Before Requesting a Custody Order Modification

One of the most challenging aspects of a family law case such as divorce is child custody. This is because many parents have to fight it out in court or via mediation to get parenting rights. Unfortunately, some parents delegate childcare responsibility to a nanny during their custodial time. Often, it frustrates the other co-parent, especially if they are available to take care of the kids during these times. If you feel that your ex-partner is deferring most of the child care to third parties, then you should think about modifying the custody order in your favour.

Understanding When You Need to Hire a Family Lawyer

The nuclear family unit has evolved over the years, offering each member greater access to autonomous choices and self-protection. Divorce has been on the rise for years, suggesting that Australians are now gaining financial autonomy and social protections to exit unsuccessful marriages. However, many parents remain unsure of what their legal options are in times of hardship. Family lawyers can protect the wellbeing of those you love in the eventuality of a parenting conflict, divorce, or guardianship settlement.

Top Tips When Buying Property: A Guide For Real Estate Investors.

Would you want to invest in real estate? The purchase and sale of property is one of the most profitable businesses in Australia. Read the article below to learn a few tips on property buying. Profitability The property must be reasonably priced. Other than this, below are a few factors that determine the appreciation of property. Planning zones. These determine the current and future use of the land. For instance, the area could be zoned for commercial, industrial or residential developments.

The Estate Planning Process.

Some people are not comfortable discussing matters to do with estate planning. However, death is inevitable, and it is only right to leave your friends and family with a clear plan of how you would want your estate shared out. The excerpt below discusses the estate planning process.  Drafting a will.  Hire a wills and estates lawyer to help you prepare your will. The will states who will inherit your property.

3 Reasons Why It Is Important To Have an Estate Plan

A solicitor who has specialized in estate planning can help you plan your estate. Your finances, needs and preferences will determine how your plan will be presented. The solicitor will help you get the right plan. Some people may think that having an estate plan is not necessary and may ignore getting one. Here are some of the reasons why you need an estate plan. Control over Personal Property You should decide how your property will be handled once you are no more.

Putting Together a Compensation Case for Asbestos-Related Health Damage

Since asbestos was banned in Australia, the health of many workers has been improved. Sadly, those who were working with asbestos when it was still a commonly-used material are at risk of developing serious medical conditions. If you were exposed to asbestos through your work and have since suffered lung disease because of the fibres, there’s a good chance you could claim compensation. This could be a huge help with medical bills and might open up better treatment options for you—but first, you’ll have to claim successfully.

The Benefits of Working For A Large Law Firm

As a newly qualified lawyer, you may be debating whether to try for a position in a large law firm or a smaller, family owned practice.  Starting your career in a large organisation has many advantages; here’s some helpful information about just a few of the benefits that you might want to bear in mind when making your choice. High salaries The largest firms offer the highest remuneration for legal professionals.

Collaborate Your Way To Commercial Dispute Resolution

Collaborative dispute resolution is a legal concept that allows business entities to avoid the court process in their attempts to settle a commercial dispute. This is often done through mediation and negotiation. The main advantage of this concept is that it allows conflicting parties to cut down on the costs commonly associated with court battles. However, this is not the only reason why you should consider a collaborative process for your commercial dispute.

Reasons to Consider Signing a Prenuptial Agreement

Getting married to someone is a legal contract that you are committing yourself to. However, some couples tend to neglect signing a prenuptial agreement, as they think its takes out the romance from marital bliss. However, just as you would have to sign a contract when getting into business with someone, you should also consider protecting yourself when getting into a marriage with someone else. With the rising rate of divorces, you would be better off being safe rather than sorry.

How Your Teen Child "In a Bad Place" Can Overturn Their DUI Charge

As a parent, finding out that your teenage child has received a charge for driving under the influence (DUI) can be heartbreaking. It’s even more heartbreaking when you know your child is a good person who’s simply in a bad place mentally. You know that a criminal conviction could tarnish your child’s life forever, but how can you save them from this verdict? Thankfully, there are laws in place to ensure that people who need treatment rather than punishment don’t face a fine or jail time.

Plea bargains explained

The common assumption among the population is that every criminal arrest leads to a trial, where the prosecution takes the defendant to court and provides solid evidence to prove that the defendant actually committed the criminal offense (like drug trafficking) and gets a conviction. However, that doesn’t occur as often as thought. The fact is a lot of criminal cases can be resolved through plea bargains. If you’re facing criminal charges, you can talk to your criminal attorney about this option.

Understanding debts that can or cannot be discharged in a bankruptcy

Understanding which types of debts can and cannot be written off in a bankruptcy is indeed a key consideration when deciding whether or not to file for bankruptcy with the help of a bankruptcy solicitor. This article lists some of the debts that can and cannot be wiped out even after you have filed for bankruptcy. Debts that can’t be discharged Bankruptcy doesn’t free you from the following obligations:

Divorce and Children -- Preparing and Entering Mediation

Sometimes, with all the best intentions in the world, marriages fail. It can be a sad and trying time for the couple concerned, but it can be far worse when children are involved. Before you contact a family law solicitor to arrange your divorce, you should look at a mediation service to help you establish a parenting plan and routine for your children. This will allow your children to move on to the next chapter of their lives more smoothly.

Understanding Your Liability for Shooting a Dog That Was Harassing Your Livestock

If a dog was harassing your livestock and you shot it, the owner of the dog may try to hold you liable for the dog’s death. To fight the claim, you need a skilled animal lawyer in your corner. Here is a look at how such an expert can help. 1. Establish the legality of your actions Laws regarding shooting dogs vary throughout the country. In For example, in South Australia, if a dog gets into a paddock where you are keeping livestock, you are legally allowed to injure or destroy that dog.

Does Your New Business Need a Lawyer?

Not all new business owners need to consult with a lawyer once they start up; you can usually file paperwork for a simple “doing business as” name on your own and use that to open commercial checking accounts or set up accounts with wholesalers and the like. However, some business owners should consult with a lawyer before they begin or as they are starting out, to protect a variety of their legal interests.

4 Important Things You Shouldn't Forget to Put in Your Will

According to studies, at least 45% of the Australian population do not have a valid will. If your family lawyer has suggested that you join the 55% of the population that do, read on. When contemplating a will, many people think about who they want to leave their property and money to, as this seems to be the prime reason to have one. However, what many fail to do is think about the other things that may not have monetary value but are more important.

Hiding assets prior to divorce is a bad idea

If you are considering a divorce, you might be wondering how your finances and assets will be shared or distributed. If you own several assets, you might be tempted to hide those assets from your marriage partner, particularly if you are mad at your partner or if you strongly believe that you toiled for the assets and deserve to own them all alone. However, regardless of how tempting it may be, hiding assets prior to a divorce is a bad idea and it can land you in big legal trouble.

When Do You Need a Family Lawyer?

A family lawyer is one who is experienced in more than just divorce cases; they are knowledgeable of just about anything that has to do with marriage, children, and so on. There are times when it’s best to call a family lawyer to ensure your rights are protected when it comes many scenarios; note when such a lawyer should be consulted and how they can protect you. 1. If you don’t want to marry

Drug and Alcohol Issues and the Law: How Referral to Treatment Works

When a criminal offense is deemed to be related to a drug or alcohol problem, there are a number of programs across Australia that can assist with treatment as a part of the sentencing process. Successful participation in these programs can often result in a more lenient sentence, and it’s hoped that the participants will avoid further criminal offenses and will enjoy a better quality of life. Are you or someone you know facing criminal charges as the result of a drug or alcohol problem?

What You Should Know About Contesting an Estate

If you recently had a loved one pass, and you believe the will for their estate was fraudulent or faulty for some reason, you might be able to contest it. This is a legal practice that can only be done by certain people in the family, including the deceased’s spouse, children or step-children, partner, or additional dependents. Here are some things you should know about contesting an estate before you decide if it is a good idea.

What to do when you get injured at work

Getting injured at work can be a life changing event that can give you complications that you won’t get rid of in a long time, if ever, depending on the injury. If you’ve gotten injured while you’ve been working, you have the right to receive compensation from your employer. To receive this compensation and to receive the right amount, you might have to take action yourself. To make sure your worker’s compensation claim is handled correctly so that you receive everything you have the right to, there are a few things you should think about.

Can You Sue For A Work-Related Injury?

When you are injured at work, you will usually have the injuries and recovery covered by your employer’s workers compensation cover claims policy. However, there are some instances where this either doesn’t cover the injury or where, due to the type of incident, you can still sue the employer or another party involved. Did the employer cause the injury? One way that you can still bring up a lawsuit for a work-related injury is if your employer was the one who caused the injury.

Divorce Settlement: Useful Tips to Accelerate Finalisation of the Process

Having a divorce can be an extremely costly and emotionally fatiguing process. If you are currently planning to file for divorce, here are a couple of useful tips that can speed up completion of the process. Aim to gain the cooperation of your spouse The best way to ensure that you have a smooth and quick divorce process is to reach out to your partner before filling any divorce papers. If you have good reasons for wanting out of the marriage, you should try to get them to consent to having a painless divorce.

Choosing an option for the conveyancing when you are going to sell your house

When selling a house, the legal works for the procedure to be official are quite extensive. Exchanging the contracts is just part of the process, and there is a lot of work that needs to be done before that. Different people deal with these situations in different ways. There are three main ways you can handle the conveyancing when selling your house. In order to make an informed decision on what solution would suit you the best, there are a few things you should know about.

Are You The Only One To Blame When You Get Hit By A Car?

When a pedestrian is hit by a car, the blame is at times directed to the pedestrian for not paying attention to the rules of the road. Cases like the pedestrian did not observe the traffic lights or the pedestrian was hit because he or she did not use the crosswalk are not new.  But what if you obeyed all the rules of the road and still ended up being hit by a motor vehicle?

Prenuptial Agreements: Four Things to Know

If you are planning on getting married soon, you might want to get a prenuptial agreement. While many people consider this something you should only do if you are extremely wealthy, many people can benefit from it. Here are some things to know about prenuptial agreements. Many Things Can Be Included in a Prenup The first thing to learn about prenuptial agreements is what exactly can be included. You might be aware that you can set rules in regards to what your spouse would get if you divorced, but did you know you can include many other details as well?

Four Things to Know About Drug Charges

If you were recently arrested for drug charges, you should first be aware of how to handle the case and what the potential consequences might be. This helps you to figure out if you need a lawyer and what type of defense you might have.  Possession is Different Than Distribution Drug charges can vary based on the details of the arrest, such as if you were found to be in possession of drugs, under the influence of them, or actually caught distributing them.